XCOM 285 Week 1 CheckPoint: Technology–Trendy Communication …

XCOM 285 Week 1 CheckPoint: Technology–Trendy Communication •           Write a 200- to 300-word response to the following question: o          Technology is changing the face of business communications. Do you think businesses effectively use these resources to communicate? Why or why not? Provide examples. o          Due in the assignments tab by Day 3


The Effectiveness of Utilizing Technology in Business Communications


Technological advancements have revolutionized the way businesses communicate, resulting in significant changes in the face of business communications. The utilization of various resources, such as email, video conferencing, instant messaging, and social media platforms, has made communication more efficient, convenient, and accessible. However, the question remains: do businesses effectively use these resources to communicate? This essay will analyze the effectiveness of utilizing technology in business communications, providing examples to support the argument.

Effective Utilization of Communication Technology

Businesses have embraced various communication technologies to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. One example is the use of email as a primary communication tool. Email allows for quick, asynchronous communication, enabling employees to share information, collaborate on projects, and send important documents in real-time. Additionally, video conferencing tools, such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, have become increasingly popular in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. These tools facilitate face-to-face communication with clients, employees, and partners, even when they are located in different parts of the world.

Through the use of communication technologies, businesses can overcome barriers of time and location, allowing for seamless, efficient communication. For instance, a sales team can use instant messaging or social media platforms to connect with potential customers, answering queries and providing personalized service instantly. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also leads to increased sales and business growth.

Despite these advantages, there are instances where businesses may not effectively use technology to communicate. This includes situations where employees lack the necessary skills or training to utilize the available communication tools effectively. Additionally, businesses that rely too heavily on technology may risk losing the personal touch and human element in their communication, which is crucial for building strong relationships with clients and employees. Therefore, while technology provides numerous benefits, it is essential for businesses to strike a balance between utilizing technology and maintaining the human touch in their communication strategies.


In conclusion, technology has undoubtedly transformed the face of business communication, providing numerous tools and resources to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Businesses can effectively use these resources to communicate by leveraging email, video conferencing, instant messaging, and social media platforms. However, it is crucial for businesses to ensure that employees are trained in utilizing these technologies effectively and to maintain a balance between technology and personal interaction. By effectively utilizing technology in business communication, organizations can improve productivity, enhance customer satisfaction, and foster strong relationships with stakeholders.


1. Melville, N. (2010). Information Systems Innovation for Environmental
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2. Mancini, D., & Sala, F. (2016). Outsourcing of Technological Innovations in
the Service Firms: Role of Human Resources and Organisational Alignment.
Service Business, 10(4), 857-879.

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