This professional portfolio assignment will prepare you to market and negotiate for employment as an

This professional portfolio assignment will prepare you to market and negotiate for employment as an advanced nurse practitioner by understanding what goes into a resume, recommendation letter, and cover letter. The assignment must contain the following:

  1. Copy of NP job description (include current APA citation of source) from a job posting of your choice. (You are not applying for the position yet.)
  2. One letter of recommendation (does not have to be real, can be makeshift).
  3. Resume as an NP
  4. Cover Letter for NP job
    • Cover Letter Sample can be found in the course textbook on page 543, Box 20-2.

Submission Instructions:

  • The cover letter should be no more than 1 page, the recommendation should be no more than 1 page, and resume should be no more than 1 page.
  • All items should be in 12 font, Times New Roman.
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