Persuasive Speech – life insurance- Create an outline in Mic…

Persuasive Speech – life insurance- Create an outline in Microsoft Word with an introduction, body and conclusion of your speech. • Develop a specific purpose, central idea, and several main points so you’ll stay within the time limit. • Create a PowerPoint slideshow visual aid. You may use the template provided in Blackboard Week 7, or you may create your own. Minimum 5 slides, maximum 10 slides (including title and reference slides).


The Importance of Life Insurance: An Analytical Approach

– Attention grabber: Start with a shocking statistic or a compelling personal story about the importance of life insurance.
– Thesis statement: Life insurance is a crucial financial tool that provides peace of mind and financial security to individuals and their families.

I. Definition and Types of Life Insurance
– Explanation of life insurance: Life insurance is a contract between the insured and the insurer, in which the insurer agrees to pay a designated amount of money to the beneficiaries upon the insured person’s death.
– Types of life insurance: Term life insurance and whole life insurance.

II. Benefits of Life Insurance
– Financial protection: Life insurance provides a lump sum payment to the beneficiaries, ensuring that they can maintain their standard of living, pay off debts, and cover future expenses.
– Income replacement: Life insurance can replace the income of the insured, ensuring that their dependents are financially secure even in their absence.
– Estate planning: Life insurance can help individuals transfer their wealth to the next generation more efficiently, minimizing the impact of estate taxes.

III. Factors to Consider When Choosing Life Insurance
– Coverage amount: Individuals should evaluate their financial needs and choose a coverage amount that adequately protects their loved ones.
– Premiums and affordability: The cost of life insurance varies based on factors such as age, health, and policy type. Individuals should assess their budget and choose a policy that is affordable in the long run.
– Policy duration and flexibility: Individuals should consider the duration of coverage and whether the policy can be adjusted or renewed to meet changing needs.

– Summarize the importance of life insurance and its benefits.
– Call to action: Encourage the audience to consider their financial future and explore the options of life insurance to protect themselves and their loved ones.

(Provide two academic sources here)

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