Discussion: What did you learn about risk when managing your…

Discussion: What did you learn about risk when managing your project? Subject: Information Technology Project Management Chapter 11 – Project Risk Management Project: Plan and build digital system to capture and track covid vaccinations. This App can share its data with different state and each state has unique ID system. Incorporate that into the various state Id systems. This app will be completely digitalized and avoid manipulation or duplication or forging etc possible with paper Vaccination records.

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Analyzing the concept of risk in project management is essential for the successful completion of any project. Throughout the process of managing the digital system for capturing and tracking COVID vaccinations, numerous insights into risk management were gained. In Chapter 11 of “Information Technology Project Management,” the authors delve into the intricacies of project risk management, providing a comprehensive overview of the topic.

The project objective was to create a digital system that could efficiently record and manage COVID vaccine data while ensuring data integrity and preventing fraud. One of the primary risk factors identified early on was the integration of the digital system with various state ID systems. Each state had its unique ID system, which needed to be incorporated into the application seamlessly. This integration posed a potential risk in terms of technological compatibility and data synchronization.

Furthermore, the project aimed to eliminate the possibility of record manipulation, duplication, and forging, which are common challenges when dealing with paper vaccination records. The transition from paper to digital records introduced new risks, such as data security breaches, system malfunctioning, and inadequate backup procedures. These risks needed to be carefully managed to ensure the successful implementation of the digital system.

Throughout this project, the understanding of risk management deepened, emphasizing the importance of identifying potential risks beforehand, evaluating their potential impacts, and developing appropriate mitigation strategies. The application of risk management principles was crucial in minimizing the likelihood and impact of risks and maximizing the project’s overall success.

Two academic sources that provide further insights into risk management in project management are:
1. Project Management Institute. (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition. Project Management Institute.
2. Turner, J. R., & Müller, R. (2019). The project manager’s leadership style as a success factor on projects: A literature review. Project Management Journal, 50(6), 654-664.

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