According to Cooper (2012), It is not clear what considerati…

According to Cooper (2012), It is not clear what considerations or actions should occur when personal ethics conflict with organizational ethics? What are some considerations or actions? (Min. of 200 Words) Reference: Cooper, T. (2012). The responsible administrator: An approach to ethics for the administrative role (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


Considerations and Actions When Personal Ethics Conflict with Organizational Ethics


When personal ethics conflict with organizational ethics, administrators face a challenging dilemma that must be addressed in an ethical and responsible manner. This situation requires careful consideration and appropriate actions to ensure ethical behavior and promote the best interests of both individuals and the organization. This paper aims to explore some of the considerations and actions that administrators should take when personal ethics conflict with organizational ethics.


One important consideration is to understand the nature and extent of the conflict between personal and organizational ethics. Administrators should assess the specific values, principles, or rules that are in conflict and determine the potential impact and consequences of their actions. This understanding will help administrators in making informed decisions and finding a resolution that aligns with both personal and organizational ethical standards.

Another crucial consideration is to analyze the ethical dimensions of the conflict. Administrators should reflect on the ethical theories and frameworks that can guide their decision-making process. For instance, utilitarianism, deontology, or virtue ethics can provide insights into balancing personal and organizational interests and determining the most ethical course of action.


One possible action is to engage in dialogue and communication with relevant stakeholders. Administrators should openly discuss the conflict and its implications, allowing for a deeper understanding of various perspectives and potential solutions. By involving stakeholders in the decision-making process, administrators can foster transparency, inclusivity, and mutual respect, which are essential in resolving ethical conflicts.

Another action is to seek external advice or consultation. In complex situations, administrators may benefit from consulting with ethical experts, professional organizations, or legal advisors. These external sources can offer guidance, identify potential legal and ethical risks, and facilitate the development of a comprehensive and ethical solution.


When personal ethics conflict with organizational ethics, administrators must carefully consider the situation and take appropriate actions that uphold ethical principles and ensure the best interests of all stakeholders. By analyzing the conflict, engaging in dialogue, and seeking external advice, administrators can navigate this ethical dilemma in an ethical and responsible manner. It is crucial for administrators to approach such conflicts with integrity and transparency, considering the impact of their decisions on both personal and organizational ethical standards.


Cooper, T. (2012). The responsible administrator: An approach to ethics for the administrative role (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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