2. For children who have disabilities or impairments that co…

2. For children who have disabilities or impairments that could make it more difficult for them to benefit from a standard education, what moral obligations does our society have to use extra resources to educate them? Relate this to the general purpose of education, and provide some justification for the theory that you endorse. I encourage you to discuss the foundations of rights of people with disabilities 10 pages APA


The Moral Obligations of Society to Educate Children with Disabilities: Foundations of Rights and Justifications


Education is a fundamental human right that should be accessible to all members of society, regardless of their abilities or impairments. However, children with disabilities or impairments may require additional resources and support to benefit from a standard education. In this paper, we will explore the moral obligations of society to use extra resources to educate these children. To do so, we will first examine the general purpose of education and its relevance to children with disabilities. We will then discuss the foundations of the rights of people with disabilities and the moral justifications for providing them with an inclusive education.

The General Purpose of Education

Education serves multiple purposes in society. It not only imparts knowledge and skills but also fosters personal growth, social integration, and the development of critical thinking abilities. The purpose of education is to enable individuals to participate fully in society, exercise their rights, and contribute to the betterment of their communities (UNESCO, 2015). This inclusive perspective implies that education should be accessible to everyone, irrespective of their abilities or impairments.

Foundations of Rights for People with Disabilities

The rights of people with disabilities are anchored in international human rights law. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) reaffirms the principle of equal rights and non-discrimination. The CRPD emphasizes the right to education for individuals with disabilities, stating that they should have access to, participate in, and benefit from an inclusive education system (UN, 2006). Additionally, the CRPD acknowledges the importance of providing appropriate support to individuals with disabilities to facilitate their effective education.

Justifications for Educating Children with Disabilities

Several justifications can be made for using extra resources to educate children with disabilities. One key justification lies in the principle of equity. Equity entails providing additional resources and support to individuals who face barriers to learning and participation. It recognizes that not all individuals start from an equal position and aims to achieve fairness by addressing these disparities (Universal Design for Learning, 2018).


United Nations. (2006). Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Retrieved from https://www.un.org/disabilities/documents/convention/convoptprot-e.pdfUNESCO. (2015). Rethinking Education: Towards a Global Common Good? Retrieved from https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000245694

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